Lemon Interior Design is a leading residential interior design company, in both real estate developers and private owners business. The firm is specialized on the management of interior design & furniture projects for real estate developers and for owners of apartments/houses, never of course, neglecting the bathroom. Today we bring you some of their most staggering bathroom design projects! Come with us!
See also: Thomas Juul-Hansen: Staggering Bathroom Projects

Lemone Interior Design cooperates with a network of talented architects, artists and designers for their various projects under execution.

The team chooses to stay close to their clients needs and with great attention to detail and cost optimization, Lemon tries every year to innovate and bring new possibilities to find each client’s comfort and character in the interior design of each home.

The company is up to date with international trends in interior design, being pioneers on this market in Romania. Since 2004 on the market, with a young and dynamic team, the company combines utility with superb design, resulting tens of designed residences and satisfied clients.

In 2015 the firm started to expand to other countries, with a first interior design project in Austria.

See also: Space Copenhagen: A New Path for Bathroom Interior Design
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