Portugal Home Week 2019: Discover the Best Bathroom Selection was a major and international B2B event, that showcased a magnificent and curated selection of the best in furnishing and design from Portugal. This two-day event took place on the heart of Porto, from June 26-27th, in Alfândega do Porto. Today, Maison Valentina lets you in on the best of Portugal Home Week 2019.
Portugal Home Week 2019 was a dynamic design and international B2B event, that brought the best of design from Portugal. Showcasing a stylish and curated selection of the best of furnishing and design, it also brought some amazing top design creators such as Toni Grilo and Karim Rashid. This event was a great opportunity to admire the best and most luxurious pieces from Portugal’s finest.
This incredible event focused on a trade exhibition with a selection of the leading Portuguese companies, an international conference with key experts and high-level officials. It also carried a program of networking initiatives designed to promote the exchange of information and the development of business relationships between the event’s attendees.
It was a two-day international conference with the industry’s major stakeholders, and also the greatest platform to discuss the latest developments and trends, as well as the most pressing challenges that the sector will face in the immediate future. At this event, everything that is new and exciting had a strong presence!
Besides those amazing features during these two past days, there were four keynote speakers, that are leading international figures in their areas of expertise. Through the program, they got to present numerous experiences and perspectives on the themes under discussion. Karim Rashid was the major headliner of the conference, as well as Tony Grilo from Christophle, and Nini Andrade Silva.
Within the Portugal Home Week 2019, there were many important categories such as the Home Party, Home Dinner, Home Pro Trips, Home Fun Trips, InovDesign, Startup Corner, Design Lounge and Guimarães Home Fahsion Week. Home Show sits on a trade fair of the leading Portuguese home and contract furnishing companies, showcasing a curated selection of their finest models, items and collections.
Home Show also guaranteed that the attendees could have the opportunity to know the work and capabilities of Portuguese suppliers, and a better understanding of their quality, flexibility and business potential. Amongst them, there were talented brands such as Circu Magical Furniture, Maison Valentina and Boca do Lobo.
Through these brand’s showcase during the Portugal Home Week 2019, you could admire an absolute bespoke bathroom selection, that would be the perfect embellishment for the ultimate luxurious bathroom. Maison Valentina presented a magnificent selection that sat on a contemporary yet exquisite set of pieces that would bring out the best of bathroom furniture.
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